If you’re a beginner trying to learn to animate Manim text try to recreate this animation:

Here is a YouTube video of me explaining how I created this moving text animation step-by-step. You can follow along:
Animation code:
from manim import *
class shrek(Scene):
def construct(self):
t1 = Text("SIL", font = "Sentient").scale(1.5)
t2 = Text("Shrek Is Love", font = "Sentient").scale(1.5)
self.play(ReplacementTransform(t1[0], t2[0:5]), run_time = 0.75)
self.play(ReplacementTransform(t1[1], t2[5:7]), t1[2].animate.shift(RIGHT*0.75), run_time = 0.75)
self.play(ReplacementTransform(t1[2], t2[7:]), run_time = 0.75)
w1 = t2[0:5]
w2 = t2[5:7]
w3 = t2[7:]
u1 = Underline(w1, color = RED)
u2 = Underline(w2, color = RED)
u3 = Underline(w3, color = RED)
self.play(GrowFromCenter(u1), ShowPassingFlashWithThinningStrokeWidth(w1))
for i in range(len(w1)):
self.play(ShrinkToCenter(w1[i]), run_time = 0.15)
self.play(ReplacementTransform(u1, u2), ShowPassingFlashWithThinningStrokeWidth(w2))
for i in range(len(w2)):
self.play(ShrinkToCenter(w2[i]), run_time = 0.15)
self.play(ReplacementTransform(u2, u3), ShowPassingFlashWithThinningStrokeWidth(w3))
for i in range(len(w3)):
self.play(ShrinkToCenter(w3[i]), run_time = 0.15)
shrek = Text("Shrek Is Love", font = "Sentient").scale(2)
u4 = Underline(shrek, color = GREEN, sheen_factor = -0.5)
self.play(ReplacementTransform(u3, u4))
for i in range(len(shrek)):
self.play(GrowFromCenter(shrek[i]), run_time = 0.1)
self.play(Flash(shrek[10].get_top(), color = GREEN, line_length = 0.8, num_lines = 15))
Let me help you learn Manim
If you want to skip the headache of trying to learn Manim from a bunch of scattered information, I put together a comprehensive 3-hour Manim course for complete beginners.
It will give you all the foundational skills you need to start creating stunning animations with code.
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